Caleb is six months old now and weighs 20 lbs and 5 oz. He is 29 inches long. He is hardly a "little" baby, but certainly a very sweet one. He has four teeth and loves to chew on everything. He can do so much more now. He is funny and cute. This age is my favorite so far.
He interacts and plays with us more and more. He grabs and holds objects. He tries to give kisses(open mouthed) and pats our shoulders when we pick him up. He is starting to hold his own bottle. In fact, he starts to grunt if I don't get his bottle to him fast enough. He grabs that thing and sucks down his formula in minutes. I have to laugh because he sucks so hard that his eyebrows turn pink. His belly laughs melt my heart( He loves it when I zerbert his cheeks.) I love the way he practically bounces out of his crib with excitement when we go to get him in the mornings. He is getting stronger too. He is sitting up better with each day. I think it is too cute how he likes to prop his legs up when reclining with us. He also likes to hang one leg over the edge of his carseat when we are riding. He is a happy baby. He is easy going and is a blesses me daily. No matter what is going on with me personally, I look into those beautiful blue eyes and that precious smile and all is well.
Caleb's first experience with a sippy cup. He didn't really like it at first. We are still working on it.
Friday, August 7, 2009
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